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Surplus or excess funds meaning ?


How are surplus funds calculated? 

Calculate the remaining balance after paying off the mortgage debt

Subtract the mortgage debt from the sale price


Who is entitled to surplus funds? 

The owner of record, or the person who owned the property before the foreclosure lawsuit

Subordinate lienholders, such as those with a subordinate mortgage, judgment, or construction lien


How are surplus funds distributed? 

The trustee appointed in the foreclosure auction is responsible for distributing the funds

The trustee distributes the funds without charging additional fees


What happens if there are other claimants? 

If there are other potential claimants, such as an unknown judgment, you may need to work with a lawyer to navigate the situation


What happens if there is a surplus of less than $10? 

Surplus of less than $10 escheats to the clerk


What Happens to Surplus Funds If You Have a Second Mortgage or Other Liens on Your Home

Generally, if any junior liens were on the home, like a second mortgage, HELOC, or a creditor recorded a judgment lien against the property, those parties get the first crack at the surplus funds before the homeowner can get them. Any excess proceeds left over after paying off these liens belong to the former homeowner.

Our Amazing Team

Our amazing this is with you every step of the way, any doubts questions or concerns will be answer as soon as possible, call our 1(866)813-1888 or Email us at fclrecoverysolutionsllc.com.

Real Estate Expert

Xiomara Almeida

Experience and prosper in the realm of property management.

Property Research

Ethan Hanks

Provide unmatched services ensuring every property info is up to date

Property Portfolio Management

G Almeida

Efficiently handle and maintains every aspect of our research

James del Valle

Bookkeeper/Customer relations

Making sure there a smooth transaction